It was been lovely weather recently. Yesterday, Ben and I arranged to see the start of the London Marathon. So we met at the top of the hill with Antonia, Jake, Baby M and Baby B. Unfortunately it took so long to walk there that by the time we arrived all the runners had left. Boo!!
We didn’t let this deter us though. After a crafty ice cream we headed for Greenwich Park. Mia was delightful. She sat in her pram looking around and taking in the scenery. In the park we had a rest and the two 5 years olds went off for an adventure. Ben fed Baby B while Baby M had a crawl around. Mia was pretty tired when we were ready to go so I put her in her pram and eventually after much grumbling she went to sleep.
Before heading off we had an Honest Sausage which was luvverly :-).