Weekend DIY and chores

DSCN0148Another monday morning descends and another week closer to the birth. Ames is reaching immense proportions. I'm not sure whether she can get any bigger but apparently she will! The nursery is now pretty much all done and dusted. The futon and slider glider/mastermind chair have now been moved into the lounge. I must say that without the two double sofas it has taken on a very spacious but minimalist look. Overall the effect is very good. As you walk in you immediately see the victorian fireplace, which before was obscured by the back of the sofa.

This morning the van(the beast) was returned to it's home on Old Kent Road. After which we took the bus to London Bridge. Thankfully it wasn’t very full. The preceding bendy bus was jam packed so we were worried that Ames might get buffeted by errant elbows, bags and the such-like. At London Bridge we relaxed with some drinks from Costa before the second leg of our journeys to work.

I am satisfied that a big chore has been completed this weekend. As I said before the nursery is now ready and the sofas have been delivered to their new home. The banisters which had to be removed to facilitate the journey of the sofas are now back, in more or less the same place as before ;-). If that wasn’t enough Balam's old sofas were taken to the recycling centre.
In the evening I relaxed on the new Slider Glider playing Full Spectrum Warrior which, once you get into it, is a very good strategy game. Balam has lent me his old controller as mine packed up. It is an original Xbox controller so is pretty big compared to the newer s-type. I am thinking of investing in a new one as I am finding it a bit of a handful especially as the buttons are a little temperamental too! So after an hour or so of gaming action and a glass of wine I turned it, absolutely shattered.

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