Jake has started to learn words! For the last couple of weeks he has come home from school with letters to learn. So far he has learnt i,t,a and s. His homework has been to practice writing the letters, which he has done very well!
Last week he came home with a book to read. In the book were just three words, ‘look’, ‘in’ and ‘here’.
Jake immediately recognised ‘look’ and ‘in’ but struggled with ‘here’. The teacher said at the parents evening that within a matter of weeks the children will begin to write simple words. To aid the writing Jake has been practising holding his knife and fork correctly. Apparently this helps a great deal when writing because the cutlery is held in a similar manner to a pencil.
Young Mia has also been progressing. She has started to crawl forwards a little bit. She also has started to wave with her hand when she sees someone else doing it. She is still scrunching up her face and blowing through her nose. In fact if Amy or I do it she tends to follow and copy us :-). Thankfully she is now back to her normal self and is feeding and sleeping well.