Last week Mia sprouted her seventh tooth. It’s in her upper jaw next to her leftmost big tooth! Recently Mia has been into everything. She likes to investigate the area under the TV and pull out all and sundry. Her walking is still to come. I think it won’t happen anytime soon. She does not like standing up. She can do it quite well but I think she get’s a little scared :-(.
She is great at walking along with her walker/stroller though. This is something that Jake was never interested in doing. I fished out Jake’s old car/walker from the shed and much to Amy’s chagrin brought it into the house. Mia loves it in car mode. She carefully hoiks her leg over and sits there pressing the buttons and smiling when the music comes on.
I did the school run today to drop Jake off. Mia was a little unsettled and not her usual self. Maybe another tooth is on the way.