Yesterday was Jake’s 4th birthday. I had spent the night with a poorly Mia in the loft room. At around 7am I heard Jake singing “Happy Birthday to me!!” as he came upstairs to see me and his sister.Luckily I had the day off which was spent getting ready for Jake’s party on Saturday. Amy took advantage of me being at home at went to get her hair cut at Geddes down the road. Mia had a nice long sleep while I started to tidy up the garden. I set to work raking up the dead leaves on the lawn and clearing the raised bed.
After school I took Jake to see ‘The Princess and the Frog’. We arrived just as it was starting, clutching our bag of smarties, drink of water and big bucket of popcorn. The movie was good although Jake found the ‘Shadowman’ a little scary. It was back to basics for Disney with old school animation, songs and themes of life and death. Overall I think it is destined to become a classic. Go and see it!