Mia has reached the grand age of 1 month. She is sleeping well during the day but still is having regular wobbles during the evening. Last night we tried leaving her in the cot but comforting her every few minutes. This kind of worked. She would drift off then 15 minutes later would wake up crying.
Carrying her around worked up to a point. Every so often she would brings her legs up to her chest and cry for a few minutes. Then we tried some fennel tea which ‘seemed’ to soothe her. At 11pm she finally settled and then was fine during the night. Waking every two hours for a feed then going back to sleep.
At 4am I gave her a feed so that Amy could sleep. I took her into the loft room so that Amy would not be disturbed. She drank 2 fl oz and then fell asleep on my chest listening to my heartbeat, where she stayed all night!
Development-wise she has started to focus more and is very alert. She has also started to coo and to smile a little, although this is still probably wind.