I have gone somewhere I vowed I would never go. A place darker than the Marianas trench. A pit of wrong, somewhere I should have never gone.
I have bought my first pair of lycra cycling shorts…
Before you dismiss me and shake your head in despair, please understand it was an experiment, just to see, you know, what they would be like. Plus they were cheap. And I promise to try to only wear them under my jogging bottoms/shorts. But they are sooo comfy.
Amy has already experienced their silky texture and skin tight appearance and took it in good stead as only Amy can, but it was a privilege for her and her alone, oh and also Jake who thought they looked good, bless him.
Who knows how lower I can sink. I have already been toying with the idea of GOING OUT WEARING THEM ON THEIR OWN. PLEASE HELP ME STOP THIS MADNESS.