Yesterday was Jake’s first full day at school. I worked from home so we could pick him up in the afternoon together. As soon as he saw his uniform he started crying and saying that he didn’t want to go. That he wanted to go tomorrow and that he didn’t want to go again and again.
He was still crying when we left the house with Amy. Apparently he was fine by the time he met Antonia and was happy when Ames dropped him off.
When we arrived to pick him up in the afternoon Mrs Whitely said he had behaved very well. He got a special sticker for eating all his lunch. He also did a drawing and a painting. As we left he said “I love school!”. As a treat I bought him a tube of Smarties which he shared with his friends. He was charging about the playing field with Antonia then we walked home through Ladywell Fields with Finn and Martha. When we arrived home he was beginning to flag somewhat. He was getting a little hyper and a little bold. Classic signs of tiredness.
This morning again, he cried when he realised that he was going to school. He was saying “I don’t like school”. Very stressful, especially for Amy. I wonder how long this will last. I must say, I think 9am to 3pm is a long time for 3 year olds to cope with. Not many nurseries have their children for a full school day.