
Just got back from the Barge. Paul W and I tried some organic cider which was 7.2%. It was actually very smooth but had a distinct woody
after-taste. The usual locals were there. The mad one in the flat cap and the old dude in the corner. So all present and correct. I wouldn’t have it any other way really. I will be glad when the smoking ban comes into effect because I find it really annoying now. I don’t see how I should have to put up with the smoke and damage my health because people haven’t got the will-power or can’t be bodmassed to kick the habit. Weak-willed if you ask me. I have just installed a shiny new USB2.0 card and it’s working a treat. If it wasn’t then I wouldn’t be able to type this seeing as it’s a USB keyboard.

I am looking forward to seeing the Chinese State Circus in Blackheath in a couple of weeks time. This year they have Kung Fu as well which will be very exciting!!

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