Yesterday evening Jake was helping me tidy up the new loft rooms by peeling off the protective tape and pads from the windows. Jake named the pads gamanges.
We collected all of these and then it was time for bed. Jake protested but as it was late I stuck to my guns. When we got downstairs Jake was in a real state. He kept saying “Gamanges Daddy!!”. I told him that we had taken all of them off the windows. He wasn’t having any of it and he proceeded to go into meltdown.
In the end I let him go back upstairs. I went up after him and when I saw him scuttling into the dormer room it all became clear. He wanted his pile of gamanges that he had left in the middle of the floor. After collecting these he was much happier. I told Amy about this later and she sagely said that she would have known that he wanted the pile of gamanges. I will know too…next time :-).