I woke at around 1.30am last night hearing strange noises coming from the loft. First there were loud thumps. Then these morphed into pitter patter noises followed by more clanks and bumps. Outside, the wind was howling and the rain was pouring down.
I lay there for a while but couldn’t get back to sleep. After a while I got up and had a mooch around. It seemed the wind was knocking something up in the loft which caused the knocking noise. The pitter patter could have been squirrels or more likely a bird trying to get out of the rain. I had visions of the rain pouring through the big hole in the roof where the tarpaulin had blown away. I checked the spare room but there didn’t seem to be any leaks or water damage. Satisfied that all was well, I closed the doors and went back to bed were I sank into a deep sleep :-).