I am meeting up with my photographer friend Mike this evening. I was umming and ahhing whether to take the bike but in the end common sense prevailed. After all, it may be a messy one. Jake woke at 6.45am and obvously had something on his mind because after doing a big fat poo in his potty declared that he wanted to go ‘downdares’. Once in the lounge he was asking for some music and wanted to choose a CD :-).
We had our breakfast and a cup of tea then Jake watched his ‘Jake’s First 6 Months’ DVD a couple of times. When it was time to go to work Jake was a little upset because he didn’t want me to go :-(. He wanted me to stay and make pizzas. In the end all was okay because after a kiss he happily waved me goodbye as I set off down the slope that is Vicars Hill.
On the train I managed to get half an hours worth of coding done. This combined with an hour last night makes me a very conciencous boy.