I was looking forward to an evening on Burnout Revenge on the old Xbox Live but alas my phone line seems to be shafted. When I got in from work I fired up the PC and opened my trusty firefox browser. It failed to connect. I checked my mode and the ADSL light was ominously unlit. I then picked up the phone and the line was dead.
This happened a while ago and wasn’t fixed for several days. I must say that the BT fault line was rather good. Instead of waiting in a queue they offer a callback when you get to the top of the queue. When I received the call back they told me what I feared. There was a fault on the line, obviously really because both phones are as dead as Dodos.
Adding insult to injury I phoned Paul W who informed me that he has just had his 2mb ADSL installed and it was working a treat. He only lives a few doors down the road. Doh!