It was a lovely sunny day this morning. I decided to deviate from my normal route and take the cycle path that starts at Peckham library. This route follows the old Surrey Canal and winds through Burgess Park. It was like a mini peloton out there, with lots of cyclists of differing abilities and levels. It was good to see! Unfortunately I took a wrong turn and ended up half-way down the Old Kent Road which wasn’t very pleasant.
At Waterloo it was teeming with people due to an earlier derailment. The queues for the ticket machines were huge. This is the down-side to doing a cycle-train commute 🙁 .
I tried out my Agu rack bag on the ride. I had hoped that I could simple detach it from the bike and put it in the rucksack. This didn’t work as well as I thought because I spent a good while rearranging items in both bags before the bloody thing would fit. It’s a nice bag and useful for a small shopping trip but I think I’ll leave it at home on commute days.