Okay, Jake has officially been toilet trained :-). To mark this momentous occasion Ames took him to Lewisham to buy some pants. He came back proudly holding a set of 7 Mr Men pants. He got very excited when he tried on his Mr Messy and Mr Happy pants. He kept looking down and saying “Wowee!!”.
Jake has taken to running round in circles shouting “Running!”. This is a game I also join in, in fact I am often summoned and end up running round the lounge. Climbing is another favourite hobby, followed by falling down which he finds hilarious.
Today I was cooking a nice Chile Con Carne. Jake wanted to see so he emptied his box of lego bricks, took it into the kitchen and then used it to climb up so he could watch from the higher vantage point. A bit of a worrying development if you ask me!.