
ComposterIt seems I am officially an old git. Yesterday my composter arrived. It is big, black and looks a bit like a dalek in a bin liner. I have placed him at the bottom of the garden. I spent hald an hour yesterday loading him up with steaming heaps of rotten grass that had been piling up on the patio. I also added some dead leaves and crumpled up newspaper. This should get the heap going. It’s great being green!

I have been reading the blurb that came with the composter. It is important to get a good mix of ‘greens’ and ‘browns’. Greens are things like peelings, cut grass, prunings. Browns are egg boxes, cardboard, twigs and the such-like. Two much of the browns and the heap will be too dry. Too many greens and it will become a strinking no-go area. In 6-9 months the compost should be ready to spread it’s goodness.

Here’s to the heap. I’ll call it Uriah, as in Uriah Heap of course.

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