Yesterday I bought my new travelcard which excluded Zone 1. This meant I had no option but to cycle. The weather has been so bad recently and true to form it was pouring down this morning on my first outing. I have decided to ease myself into it and will cycle to Brockley for a couple of weeks before venturing further afield.
The plan is to get to Clapham Junction so I can get the train straight to Staines. This would cut out the annoying change at East Croydon. We’ll have to wait and see how things pan out. The bike is very nice to ride though. Smooth and solid. I bought a day-glo Altura Nevis jacket which is like a beacon. I feel a bit of a knob wearing it but safety is more important than fashion I guess. The guys at work had a good laugh when I donned the jacket at lunch-time for a walk into Staines!