I had a call from Amy today while at work. Jake has taken his first steps! She was visiting Sheena and Jake was coaxed into toddling between them. I am extremely happy and proud of my baby but a little sad that I wasn’t there!
When I got home Jake toddled again a couple of times. It was very ungainly as is to be expected but they were definitely steps and leagues ahead of his stiff-legged standing which he has been doing for while. I think Jake was very happy with his achievement because he started charging around the house crawling in “Komodo Dragon” mode. The day’s events had tired him out so an early night was called for. We read his Dinosaur book, brushed his teeth(all ten of them!) and then I put him to bed by 7pm.
Jake has been very vocal recently and has started ‘babbling’. It sounds a little bit like Japanese and is very cute. He knows quite a few words and can point at the item when asked what it is.
We went to Oxleas Wood last weekend and I asked Jake “Where are the trees?” at which point he simply pointed up in the air because he was surrounded by them. Heh heh heh. Okay so that was an easy one. If I say “Dyson” he points at the cupboard and get’s excited.