Jake has now passed the nine months milestone. The time seems to have flown by but at the same time it seems an age since he was a tiny newborn baby. He is now a bruiser with big pudgy hands, each with little bracelets.
The top right tooth has finally broken through after months of waiting. The top-left peg is also making an appearance. Jake’s demeanour is much better now that he is not in so much pain. Jake is suffering from a cold at the moment. He is taking delight in wiping his face on my shoulder which results in a nice silvering down my sleeve!
Last week he amazed us by properly crawling on all fours. It only lasted a few seconds so I didn’t have the chance to record the event for posterity. He is so muvh more aware of things around him. He has taken a liking to my video camera, particularly the lens cap. My ipod USB cable is also a favourite as well as anything silvery and shiny!
He likes our new house a lot. In the morning he enjoys looking out down the garden at Mr Fox and at the green parakeets that visit the neighbours garden.