Today Mia is 7 weeks and 4 days old. She is a delight. On the whole night times are a breeze.She wakes every 2-3 hours for a feed but has been known to go 5 hours on a few occasions. After her feed she settles very quickly unless it is around 5ish when she wants to get up. I don’t know whether her body clock has worked out the difference between day and night but she just seems to accept that at night she will sleep. During the day she has less sleep and often wakes grumbling after an hour or so. Why? I have no idea.
Today Amy has taken her to a baby massage class with Sheena and Xanthe which should be fun. Yesterday I ‘flew solo’ with her by taking her and Jake to school. I wrapped her up in her snuggly snow suit and put her in the baby carrier(which she much prefers to the pram). She was fine, slept in the car and slept on the walk from the car to St Dunstans. Perfect! Jake was very excited about having her baby sister there with him.
He is such a lovely big brother. Today he was holding her and giving her cuddle, saying “I love you” and laughing when her wobbly head kept “dorshing” against his shoulder.