Jake is 14 months and 6 days old. He now has 10 teeth including a fine looking molar (the 9th). The 10th has just begun to poke through the gum. Yesterday he got ink all over his fingers while playing with the printer. I have now taped down the lid. He is sure to get cross when he finds out. Ames informs me that the printer is not quite the same as it once was. Ho hum.
The walking is coming along steadily. He is quite confident to walk holding with one hand holding mummy’s or daddy’s. I shall have to get some video footage of the walking this weekend.
Jake seems to have picked up a cough at the weekend. Last night he woke in tears after a coughing fit. I picked him up and soothed him until he calmed down. When I put him back in the crib he made a little protest and put out both his arms to be picked up(a new development). It took all my inner strength not to cave in as it is SO SWEET. It was the right decision as he was fast sleep within minutes :-).