Baby Mia is now officially one week old. She has been feeding well and sleeping like a dream. Her cord stump came off a few days ago an has been bleeding slightly. The midwife advised washing with cool boiled water which I must do tomorrow during her nappy change.Earlier Amy had to wake her from a mammoth three hour sleep in order to give her a feed. It is now 11pm and she has just been put into her moses basket which I have positioned right next to the bed for easy access. She is sleeping soundly on her side, which she much prefers to her back. On her back she grumbles and fidgets and invariably wakes herself up.
Now we will try to get some sleep before the 1am wake up call :-).
Today Sheena came round with baby Xanthe. Xanthe is three months old and has a lovely shock of lovely black hair.
Jake had decorated a biscuit at school with a green smile and red jam for hair. Jake has been learning how to draw letters. The aquadraw wall poster has been brilliant as have the wall letters. He has been looking up and copying them on the poster. His favorite thing to draw at the moment is a tea cup which he draws for Daddy in the morning to “wake me up” :-).